Middle Distillates
So named as they are removed from the middle section of a distillation tower, during a multi-stage process of thermal separation, include various fractions or cuts that includes heating oil, diesel, marine gas oil, and jet fuel.
Gasolines are all fuels that are used in an internal combustion engine, with a view to generating motion - be that car motor or even aviation.
Fuel Oil
Is most widely used as a marine fuel at this juncture, with virtually all slow and middling speed vessels designed to used Fuel Oil. A key differentiator is sulphur content, and where ultra low, low and even high sulfur fuel oil are all below 3.5% in content.
Base Oil
Lubricants are typically used in the automotive sector, and are a blend of base oils and depending on their use additives.
Is a valuable feedstock in the petrochemical industry, and its primary process steam cracking. However, beyond that naptha is also found in medicinal products and even shoe polish.
Liquified Petroleum Gas describes a number of gases that remain in liquid form at room tempaterature including butane and propane. Often used as a fuel in Europe for motor transport, it can also be used for heating or cooking purposes.